Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle for hope (draft)

Title: The title will be as follows “Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle for Hope”, as for graphic design, I will come up with something more eye catching that others will look to with ease and hope.

Mission Statement: To help build a more cohesive, united people that will inspire others to want more from the Curtis Bay brook community. We will build this through an effort to make public the history of a figure that can teach others to achieve more.

Project Description: The objective here is to build a memorial for an important figure from the community, either past or present, made out of goods that are from the community. These goods can be trash, new items, or anything of significance for people from the community. The memorial is to inspire people but also to bring together the community because of the collage of materials and have a shared experience. After the memorial is built, there will be a reception for the people of the community to celebrate themselves and the memorials purpose. Details are as follows:
Material Collection: This will be through several means, the first would come from trash collections and sifting through these types of materials for what to include. I hope for this to be the main place to gather materials. The second are specific dates in which people from the class will gather materials that would be good for the project. Another would be specific dates in which people would give away items they would want to include in the memorial in an event. After items are collected, they will be organized so as to include them in different parts.
Memorial: This will preferably be on Main Street where there is traffic or somewhere. It would be nice for this space to be in a scenic area but it is not necessarily limited to that. It will be built by the people of the class but outside help can be used when needed. The important part here is that it should be done with low cost because the money should be saved for the reception. The memorial is to raise hope in the community so people know why the community is important and to enlighten people on the history of the area. It is so people know that they are not alone in their fight and that others had issue as well.
Memorial Reception: This reception is for the people of the community but also for some wealthy outsiders to donate to the community. The donations would go towards existing programs of the community to help the people. These donations will come from ticket sales to these outsiders. The reception will have information on this person from the community and why the memorial was built for them. There will be catering, music (hopefully live music if that can be obtained), and speaking from important figures. It will be a celebration of the community itself and the struggles that the community has faced in a light-hearted way so as to keep people happy. This will hopefully take place at the Polish Home Hall.

Committee Structure: There will be several committees for the welfare of the project, they go as follows:
Important Figures/ History: This project will research the history of the community and what figure would be best represented in this project. These people will look into the dynamics of what the memorial should include such as the plaque, the position of the statue and where it goes. These people will also work on making sure there is information about the figure at the reception.

Materials/Builders: These people will be building the statue and in charge of gathering materials (of course the whole class will help with physically gathering materials). These people will be those with the artistic and creative sense enough to build the memorial with the materials needed. They will have to work with the “Important Figures” committee to understand their idea of the project. Both of these will have time sensitive objectives.

Memorial Reception: These people will be in charge of making sure the reception comes to fruition and making sure important figures come to it. This committee will make sure that tickets are distributed and that catering is gathered for the reception, music is booked, speakers come, and that the “Important Figures” Committee’s information is understandable and important for the event. They will make sure that everything comes together at the reception and that people will want to donate to the community here.

Budget: The money will be distributed between the reception and the building of the memorial itself.
$500- Building memorial
$700- Reception

March 22nd : Important Figure decided and memorial idea set in stone
April 7th: Materials starting to be gathered, idea of what memorial is going to be made out of is known and detailed.
May 9th: Memorial Built
May 14th- 20th: Reception for memorial. This date can change but it must be done after the memorial is built.

Feasibility Statement: This project looks to be very lengthy and difficult because of time and money constraints but this can be done very well if these different items are taken into account. If people are divided into committees and the people are used at their full potential then much can be done. This project can be done easily if everyone works together, this project is about remembering the community that was once and helping people to start over and begin anew. It is about a new beginnings and overcoming difficult times. The point of this memorial to make sure people know that there were people from this community and that it has not been forgotten. There are many ways of achieving this but this is one that looks to be the best and with an effective message. Many have forgotten about this community except those from the community and this memorial will give those people hope so others will know the community.

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