Monday, April 25, 2011

Art.Reach, Transcription, and Easter!

Wow, this week has flown by and there is still so much to do. It seems like there is so much to do in such a little time. This past week there were several different activities that happened. There was Art Reach where we raised up some money, thanks to Joe for hosting the event and there has been the constant onslaught of history items to do. So far I have found the transcription to be much more involved than I thought. While I am doing quite well on transcribing, there is still a great deal to do. (However, the interview is very interesting so I am enjoying transcribing). I have also been working on the draft of Catherine B. which should hopefully be good. These both work hand in hand though and I am happy that I could be a part of making this woman's personal history known.
One thought came to mind after setting up the facebook page and event. I wonder if we link a pay-pal to the site if people would donate money to it. I already know one person who would want to donate money but cannot come to the event. I think this would be a great way to raise fund because I have a bunch of people who might be interest in donating this way. I am looking forward to going to the community meetings this week. That looks like all I have for now, wow this semester has gone by quickly.

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