Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jimmie Cone- Draft

The focal point of an old town, it is the ice cream shop that gathered the whole town on those hot summer nights. Jimmie Cone has gathered people from all around, well known throughout many parts of Maryland; it is an establishment that has kept the town of Damascus alive. Jimmie Cone is an outdoor ice cream parlor. There were many simple treats created that have ogled children for ages, and many others that have pleasantly filled their bellies. Jimmie Cone, however, is more than just an ice cream parlor; it was one of the few social gathering points for many in the area.

There have been many conversations at the worn bench that fill the mulch lot at Jimmie Cone, the brick mural reminding many of a different time. The pride of a small town building from just one establishment, it has helped to keep an older system of development for growing children. It has helped children to learn of their peers, of adults to relax with neighbors, and everyone to share the stories that have filled Damascus. Jimmie Cone has also brought a sense of change to those of Damascus who understand the changing times. With suburbs, new developments, multinational corporations, and progress moving throughout the area, there seems to be only one constant. There have been many changes throughout the surrounding area, that Jimmie Cone has helped many to just sit, relax, and enjoy what has kept alive the spirit of Damascus.


  1. i like the imagery. sounds like a cool place.

  2. I live in olney and i drive to jimmy cone atleast once a week in the summer. nothing can beat an extra large sugar cone.

  3. Jimmy Cone is a pretty cool place, I've been there a few times and absolutely loved it. I'm glad someone else feels the same way

  4. Your essay is great! If you could just add maybe a year of when the place was established, you wouldnt have to change anything else. Your essay was fluid, clear and interesting.
    I havent been to Jimmie Cone myself but I have friends whose families go there religiously!

  5. I really like it. When reading it I get that picture in my mind of a everyone flocking to Jimmy Cone for their favorite ice cream. Cool post.
